Hanuzzi (The Furniture Gufa)
Year of Completion:

The programme of this furniture showroom — especially its main circulation axis — has been inspired by BV Doshi’s iconic Amdavad ni Gufa. The meandering entry is designed to conceal the actual store from view until the last moment. A series of arches align themselves along one axis, providing a focal point. Screens divide the various spaces of the showroom, helping to establish a clear threshold between the various furniture placements. This constant feature creates interesting compositions when met with angled walls and curved surfaces, appearing to stretch the space, and one’s imagination. Rich materials such as wood, lava stone and patinated copper are unexpectedly paired with pink to achieve a soothing, luxurious look. Striking sciagraphy rendered by the partitioning screens and artificial light mimic dappled expanses, adding a beautiful dimension to the various furniture placements.