Manish Tanya Residence (Russet Abode)
Year of Completion:

The client’s request for minimal landscape area, and more paved spaces in and around the courtyard allowed the design team to grant two access points to the house from the entrance. While one could walk directly to the entrance foyer after passing through the gates, the other granted ingress from the parking lot to the courtyard which is connected to the living, dining and pooja areas. The courtyard and walking routes around the house are paved with the economical kota stone. Native plants and trees are positioned at strategic positions in the courtyard and pavement to give the family a pleasant experience while using these areas.

An interesting entrance door crafted from travertine marble and copper leads one into the free-flowing living and dining spaces. In sync with the architecture of the house, the interior design leans towards a contemporary style with minimal use of materials and colours. A mix of bespoke and outsourced furniture, accessories and lighting fixtures are highlighted against simple, yet warm backdrops all across the house. The bedroom suites are distinct, and is customised for its user — while one bedroom has a fabric and wood panelling, the other has a plain rough concrete backdrop.     

Comming Soon